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Koru brings a collaborative, coherent, evidence-based, equity-centered approach to teaming and improvement.

We believe that school systems are successful when they have productive collaboration toward focused goals, evidence-based decision making, an equity lens, and ongoing learning to improve practice.  We co-create and customize each engagement to build a comprehensive improvement plan with these foundational elements of high performance culture.  Click below to learn more about how we approach each engagement, and read on below to explore our core services.

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doing work together
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The Koru Executive Coaching model is a leadership-focused improvement cycle for senior leaders in education.  Our innovative approach guides executive leaders through a process to assess their strengths and growth areas, articulate a clear vision and theory of action for how their leadership advances their organization’s mission and strategic priorities, identify a focus area for leadership growth, and engage in strategy and coaching sessions to make tangible progress toward identified goals. In addition, Koru facilitates sessions for professional learning communities and communities of practice to support a culture of productive collaboration toward strategic goals and priorities. Click below for an overview on Koru Executive Coaching, and contact us to learn more about our leadership development and coaching services.


We help teams to see and celebrate their successes and to identify and act on areas for improvement. Every engagement includes impact assessment to evaluate the degree to which we have achieved our shared vision for success and to identify potential and map out a pathway for deepening and expanding impact. Koru also supports executive leadership teams to define their impact, set criteria and identify evidence sources, and engage in regular collection, analysis, and reporting of their impact data to internal and external stakeholders. Contact us to learn more about a Koru Impact Partnership.


The Koru Change Model: Improvement by Design is a collaborative design and improvement process that guides teams through a rapid, iterative process to develop, test, refine, and scale effective solutions that meet their learner needs and impact goals.  In our work with districts, schools, and education organizations, we guide teams through four design thinking phases to rapidly ideate, prototype, and iterate on ideas based on evidence and empathy, and to identify and scale their most promising solutions to pressing challenges. Click below to learn more and see a sample scope of work.


Since the 2018-19 academic year, Koru has worked with teams from more than 200 schools in learning and launching the Data Wise Improvement Process. With a national network of Data Wise Certified Coaches and consultants, we have partnered with school systems in California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington to adopt a practice of evidence-based and equity-centered continuous improvement.  Koru is the preferred service provider and implementation partner for the Harvard Data Wise Project, and is regularly engaged for onsite/customized, job-embedded professional learning at scale for districts and state/regional departments of education. Click below for an overview and sample scope of work.


We support leadership teams to bring coherence to their work and to focus professional learning on high-impact areas for improvement.  We aim to align professional learning in strategic ways that have the highest impact on teaching and learning, meeting intermediate benchmarks for progress and achieving long-term and sustained change system-wide. Strategy/planning sessions include needs assessment, visioning, coherence, short- and long- term planning, and getting clear and concrete about how to operationalize a vision to achieve strategic priorities. Contact us to share more about your big goals and to explore how we might work together toward them. Click below for an overview and additional information on visioning and strategy services.

To learn more about how Koru can support your school improvement goals, contact us to start a conversation and to begin scoping a professional learning pathway.

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